A- I press TWICE to ensure my car BEEPS when I lock it! Choose all that apply)
1- I want to wake up my neighbors. 2- I did not know that my car locks silently when I press only once. 3- I did not know that noise was bothering others. 4- My car dealer wants me to! (So people will look at my car and he may make more sales) 5- I have anxiety problems so I need to hear the beep to ensure my car is locked. 6- I am too lazy to verify that my car is locked by pulling the handle. 7- I have Alzheimer and never remember that I locked my car. 8- I want to advise burglars that I am leaving my car unatended 9- I am too lazy to watch the flashers on my car telling me my car is locked. 10- I like noise (leave us your phone number. We will gladly call you everytime we are distracted by a BEEP!) 11- It's illegal in my city to make noise but I never get caught because by the time the police arrives, I am gone. 12- Japanese, German, French etc... people are smarter than us because they do not allow locking BEEPS. 13- I am a snob and I make noise because I want people to look at me.
B- My car always makes a sound when I press once to lock it! (Choose all that apply)
1- I want to wake up my neighbors. 2- I am too lazy to read my owner manuel (or ask my dealer) to remove the sound. 3- I did not know that noise was bothering others. 4- My car dealer wants me to! (He hopes people will look at my car and he may make more sales) 5- I have anxiety problems so I need to hear the beeps to ensure my car is locked. 6- I am too lazy to verify that my car is locked by pulling the handle. 7- I have Alzheimer and never remember that I locked my car. 8- I want to advise burglars that I am leaving my car unatended 9- I am too lazy to watch the flashers on my car telling me my car is locked. 10- I like noise (leave us your phone number. We will gladly call you everytime we are distracted by a BEEP!) 11- It's illegal in my city to make noise but I never get caught because by the time the police arrives, I am gone. 12- Japanese, German, French etc... people are smarter than us because they do not allow locking BEEPS. 13- I am a snob and I make noise because I want people to look at me.