What can you do if you are affected by the constant "beeps" of parking cars?
1- United we stand. Join or create a local pressure group. The more people that voice their opinion the more we will get the message accross. If you live in Canada, write us so we may add you to our listing.
2- Sign the petition below with your neighbors that also have to deal with all those beeps presently. If they do not mind the noise now, remind them that they will be affected once they are at home for vacation, or sick, or retired or when they try to sell their house at a lower price since it will attrack less buyers due to the noise.
3- Meet management of the merchants (or their association if there is one) and tell them about the noise problem for you and your neighbors. Tell them it can also be a problem for their own customers/employees that can be annoyed or startled by car beeps. Stopping the noise will also be beneficial for them. For example, they might get more customers at their terrace. If their customers are not startled by beeps, they will be in a better mood to buy. Neighbors will be more than glad to buy locally if they feel the merchants are doing their part for the good of the neighbohood. Ask them to put up a poster and some leaflets for their employees and customers.
4-You may want to use a "no beep" sign (such as the one below) or make a sign such as "Silence please - No beeps" or something similar and put it on your lawn, window or balcony. If you convince your neighbors to do the same it would be much better. Please send us a picture to share with others.
5- If after a while, if you happen to notice that there are still employees that do not seem to cooperate, make a listing of the car makes and models and license plates and ask management if it is possible for them to ask these people to make the necessary changes to make sure they do not annoy the neighbors. If the instructions to remove the noisy car lock system are not in the car manual, have them contact their dealer to have it removed for free. (they should not have imposed this on the buyer in the first place).